Our goal at StartPeak is to create a space for startup enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, founders and specialists from individual Slovak startups to network, learn and exchange their know-how.
Naším cieľom v StartuPeak je vytvoriť priestor pre startupových nadšencov, začínajúcich podnikateľov, zakladateľov startupov a špecialistov z jednotlivých slovenských startupov na networking, vzdelávanie a vymieňanie si know-how.
The idea of establishing a community with the aim of connecting Slovak startups and helping them to grow arose as part of Techband’s cooperation on the organization of the CESAwards startup competition. The inspiration also came from abroad, where popular communities like Czechcrunch Shine or Startup Estonia successfully bring together startups and individuals with the purpose of supporting the local and international startup ecosystem and connecting with each other.
Idea založiť komunitu s cieľom prepájať slovenské startup-y a pomáhať im rásť vznikla v rámci spolupráce spoločnosti Techband na organizácii startup-ovej súťaže CESAwards. Inšpirácia prišla aj zo sveta, kde populárne komunity ako Czechcrunch Shine alebo Startup Estonia úspešne združujú startup-y a jednotlivcov s účelom podpory lokálneho a medzinárodného startup ekosystému a vzájomného prepájania.
Something like that doesn't work in our country at the moment and that needs to be changed as soon as possible, in the end all of Slovakia will be able to benefit thanks to us. We just have to put our efforts into it and bring the Slovak startup ecosystem what it needs most.
Marianna Szarková, StartuPeak CO-FOUNDER
At StartPeak, we believe that a strong community is what can effectively help individuals and start-up companies in Slovakia to succeed and develop ideas.
Our goal at StartPeak is to create a space for startup enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, founders and specialists from individual Slovak startups to network, learn and exchange their know-how.
The idea of establishing a community with the aim of connecting Slovak startups and helping them to grow arose as part of Techband’s cooperation on the organization of the CESAwards startup competition. The inspiration also came from the world, where popular communities like Czechcrunch Shine or Startup Estonia successfully bring together startups and individuals with the purpose of supporting the local and international startup ecosystem and connecting with each other.
"Something like this doesn't work here at the moment and that needs to be changed as soon as possible, in the end the whole of Slovakia will be able to benefit thanks to us. We just have to put our efforts into it and bring the Slovak startup ecosystem what it needs the most."
Marianna Szarková, StartuPeak CO-FOUNDER
At StartPeak, we believe that a strong community is what can effectively help individuals and start-up companies in Slovakia to succeed and develop ideas.